Sunday, September 18, 2011

Internet Blackouts and Graduate School Applications

Well I've learned some of the small difficulties of living in China. From time to time, I have found that my internet will not function. Most of the time, it will come back in a few hours, however there has been at least one day where I have not had internet access of any sort. I guess it's just the way that things work out from time to time. The times the internet has been out, I've used it to listen to books on tape, attempting to write creatively (with some minor success) as well as attempting the application to graduate school.

Here comes the confession. I desperately want to go to graduate school in the fall of 2012. I have begun to solicit my former professors for letters of recommendation, and thus far I've heard back from two of the three letters required for my first choice. I have only begun to work on the longer part of the application for graduate school. It has to be at least four pages long, and I've just finished the first page. I hope to have the longer part finished by the end of this coming week, and when I say done, I do mean written as well as edited. I know it's not likely, but one can but hope.

So here is hoping the internet doesn't go out during key parts of the application process. I just have to remember to back everything up again. Getting into good habits again, it will be a struggle.

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